I have a cousin, Todd, who is 64 days younger than me. We rarely got along well - being so close in age. I often got jealous of him, and his awesomeness, like being over 5-foot-7, and not having to drive our Grandma's car because his parents gave him a vintage Mustang convertible instead of handing him down an '81 Buick. Things like that.
But at no time was I more jealous than December, 1976. That's when he got a baby brother, Adam. I didn't have an Adam and I wanted one. But Grandma's aren't just good for '81 Buicks. No, Grandma brought the goods. I got a My Buddy doll. I named him Adam. I carried him by his hair until all that remained were a few synthetic strands of nylon and craters that looked like failed hair plugs.
22 years later, and it's time to name my pet ficus. HEY! PLANTS ARE LIVING THINGS! You CAN name them! Quite frankly, there was only one name that conjures the same, lifelong affection of a best friend. Adam. My Buddy. My Tree.