Friday, January 2, 2009

Red Hariy Prophet

Isaac woke up early on Tuesday morning and told me of his eerie dream. He told me that he was playing on the fort when I came outside and told him,

I'm not going to be your Daddy anymore, Jesus will be your new Daddy

Then he told me I flew up to the clouds. Creepy.


Rebekah said...

It is creepy. AND this also made a prediction that when you die I won't get remarried because then he would have said, "(insert name here) will be your new daddy." Instead he said it would be Jesus. How in the world does Jesus think I can handle three kids all by myself???

Sarah said...

Oh Isaac. The thoughts that go on up there. I will say a prayer now, "Dear Lord, please give Isaac a filter when he gets to Kindergarten next year... Oh yeah, and please don't take Chris up to heaven right now. Rebekah needs him."

Leesa said...

LOL!!! That kid is one-of-a-kind! Sarah, I think I'll join in with you on that prayer.

Jennifer said...

I just like it that his dad calls him the Red Hairy Prophet. Chris, I don't think I'd go anywhere near that fort again.